Total Vision Del Mar

Dry Eye Treatment in San Diego

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Bring Tears of Joy to Your Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can distract you when you need your focus and cause daily discomfort. At least 4.88 million Americans have dry eyes.

If you ever suspect that you have dry eyes, it’s best to contact your eye doctor. The team at Total Vision Del Mar can accurately diagnose dry eyes and provide effective therapies for your symptoms.

For customized dry eye treatment in San Diego, book you next appointment today!

What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eyes occur when your tears can’t lubricate your eyes adequately. This usually occurs when your eyes can’t produce enough tears or the tears they produce evaporate too quickly.

  • A burning feeling in the eye area
  • Feeling like something is “stuck” in the eye area (foreign body sensation)
  • Eyes that water more than usual
  • Redness in the eyes
  • Eyes that feel unusually tired
  • Eyes that itch more than usual

Dry Eye Treatment Options

Total Vision Del Mar offers numerous therapies for dry eyes, including:

  • Lubricating Eye Drops: Artificial tears can reduce many dry eye symptoms by hydrating the eye’s surface. Our eye doctors can recommend various eye drops depending on the cause and severity of your dry eyes.
  • Steroids: Specific topical steroids have been found to reduce dry eye symptoms quickly and effectively, even in severe cases. Many of these steroids have anti-inflammatory effects to reduce the swelling that often comes with dry eyes.
  • Punctal Plugs: By inserting small plugs into your tear ducts, we can prevent your tears from draining too quickly. Using punctal plugs alongside topical treatments can be more effective than using topical treatments alone.
  • Eye Masks: Compression masks reduce inflammation and express blockages with gentle pressure, heat, and moisture. Once we show you how to use these masks, you should be able to use them at home without supervision.
  • Scleral Lenses: These contact lenses cover the entire surface of the eye and create a space that can be filled with hydrating fluids. They are often an excellent choice for people whose dry eyes prevent them from comfortably wearing other contact lenses.
  • Eyelid-Cleansing Wipes: Cleansing wipes can support and improve the effects of other dry eye treatments. We offer a variety of cleansing wipes from leading brands at our practice.

Find Relief for Your Dry Eyes

If you think you might have dry eyes, contact us for help. Our eye doctors will determine whether you suffer from dry eyes or a different condition and help you find appropriate treatment.

Our Location in San Diego

Our Address

  • 12880 Carmel Country Rd D110
  • San Diego, CA 92130

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