Total Vision Del Mar

Our Eye Clinic in San Diego

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Focused on Your Satisfaction

At Total Vision Del Mar, we want to show you just how beautiful life can be. That’s why we offer high-quality frames and lenses for all ages and tastes, backed up by leading vision care from qualified eye doctors.

Our team of eye doctors in San Diego is committed to upholding excellence during every patient experience, whether you’re visiting us for a comprehensive eye exam or looking for the perfect frames for your face. Our partnership with Total Vision empowers us to offer a wider product selection at competitive prices, along with more insurance options and state-of-the-art technology.

We can’t wait to see you at our practice and help you see the world. Contact us today and plan your next visit.

Our Mission

We preserve vision throughout life and enhance the vision experience.

Meet Our Team


Elesha Starkey


Total Myopia Program

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a common refractive error that affects lots of children. Myopia causes distant objects to appear blurry and our team screens for myopia in each child’s eye exam. We work with you and explore myopia control methods that can help your kids enjoy clear, healthy vision.

We are also thrilled to announce the “Total Myopia” program!

The Total Myopia medical professionals and their dedicated team employ modern technology to assess, care for, and develop tailored treatment strategies for every patient. These comprehensive strategies include:

  • Customized eye drops, soft multifocal contacts, and overnight lenses
  • A systematic approach with scheduled follow-up appointments to help sustain eye health through consistent medical oversight and management
  • Assessments aligned with the individualized treatment plan for each patient
  • Thorough training on the proper usage, insertion, and removal of contact lenses
  • An ongoing maintenance regimen for effective myopia control, with a focus on achieving lasting results

Our Location in San Diego

Our Address

  • 12880 Carmel Country Rd D110
  • San Diego, CA 92130

Contact Information

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